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Jeju Blue & Sea
Corea del Sud
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
99 m²
Room (99Sqm, a type)
148 m²
Duplex (148sqm)
2 double beds and 2 single beds
99 m²
99 sqm, Type A, 1st Floor (Base Occupancy 3, Pay Onsite 20000 Krw Per Extra Person)
2 double beds
99 m²
general room a
99 m²
General Room C
148 m²
Duplex Room
148 m²
Duplex (148sqm)(2 Double Beds and 2 Twin Beds)
99 m²
Room (99Sqm, a type)
2 double beds
99 m²
99sqm, A Type (base occupancy 3, pay onsite 20000 KRW per extra person)
2 double beds
99 m²
General Room B
Jeju Blue & Sea
Jeju, Corea del Sud
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